Kumachi Studio

kumachi studio logo

We empower endeavors

with creative
digital solutions.

We Ideate.

We ideate, crafting digital dreams into web realities with innovation and precision.

We design.

We design, weaving creativity into captivating web experiences, pixel by pixel.

We execute.

We execute, turning concepts into fully functional websites with precision and expertise
learning at frontend masters

A little story about Kumachi Studio

Kumachi Studio’s story begins with a boy named Kuma. Kuma’s journey to serve his life force, known as ‘chi,’ is the heart of our inspiration. With unwavering passion, Kuma perfects his skills by working tirelessly at his creative space, birthing Kumachi Studio.
Our mission is clear: to empower endeavors with creative digital solutions. We are not just a digital agency; we are a beacon of hope for underrepresented Africans in the technology industry. We believe in relentless learning, doing the right thing, and delivering excellence at every turn.
Meet our founder, Ernest Serunkuma, also known as Kuma. Born and raised in Kampala, Uganda, he embarked on an incredible journey. He dropped out of university, crossed oceans, and worked his way from humble beginnings to one of the world’s Big Five Accounting and Consulting firms. He realized that true change lay in serving his people. That’s how Kumachi Studio was born, with a vision to change the world one day.


Our Services for clients

Content Marketing

Fueling websites with engaging, strategic storytelling for digital success.

Digital Advertising

Amplifying brand visibility, driving growth, and maximizing online presence.

Graphics Design

Crafting visual identities that captivate and elevate web experiences

Web Design

Forging seamless, user-centric digital journeys that leave lasting impressions

Web Development

Building robust, responsive sites for your digital success story.

Mobile App Development

Crafting intuitive, innovative solutions for your digital aspirations.